My New Bolex
In terms similar to my Bolex user manual, I have just aqired a Bolex P4 8mm cine camera. In fact the camera was given to me as a gift. (My cousin got it at garage sale for only $5!) I've fell in love with the camera and spent a good part of 3 afternoons learning how it works.

From here on out I'm going to try and share my hardships and hopefully triumps that come with the camera as I try to make a short film with it. I've got a script that I feel would be best portarayed in 8mm and now I have a camera. I'm also going to try and make this blog into a resorce center for the Bolex so please take a look around and hopefully you can learn somthing from me or, even better, teach me somthing about the camera.

Thanks for reading!
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